缅甸军方颁布了严格的网络安全法, Myanmar's military enacts strict cybersecurity law, cracking down on VPNs and digital dissent.
缅甸军政府颁布了一项新的网络安全法, 加强了对资讯的控制。 Myanmar's military government has enacted a new cybersecurity law that tightens control over information. 法律针对过去绕过审查的VPN, 对未能删除“假信息”的数字平台实施制裁, 并要求服务供应商将用户数据储存三年。 The law targets VPNs used to bypass censorship, imposes sanctions on digital platforms failing to remove "disinformation," and requires service providers to store user data for up to three years. 违反行为可导致罚款和监禁。 Violations can lead to fines and imprisonment. 此举是在2021年政变之后采取的,其目的是限制互联网流量和限制异议。 This move follows the 2021 coup and aims to restrict internet traffic and limit dissent.