缅甸军方首长警告要对与网上赌博、诈骗、毒品犯罪有关的官员采取严厉行动。 Myanmar's military chief warns of strict actions against officials linked to online gambling, scams, and drug crimes.
缅甸军事领袖Min Aung Hlaing高级将军警告对参与网上赌博、诈骗和毒品的官员采取严厉行动。 Myanmar's military leader, Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, has warned of strict actions against officials involved in online gambling, scams, and narcotics. 他强调区域官员有必要防止和打击这些罪行。 He emphasized the need for regional officials to prevent and combat these crimes. 这一问题已引起国际关注,促进缅甸和外国政府加强合作,打击这些非法活动。 The issue has attracted international attention, fostering increased cooperation between Myanmar and foreign governments to tackle these illegal activities.