房东Ryan Wellings在伴侣自杀后面临过失杀人指控;审判正在进行中。 Landscaper Ryan Wellings faces manslaughter charges after partner's suicide; trial ongoing.
30 岁的园艺师瑞安·韦林斯 (Ryan Wellings) 因过失杀害他的伴侣基娜·道斯 (Kiena Dawes) 而受审,基娜·道斯 (Kiena Dawes) 在 2022 年 7 月自杀前留下了一封遗书,指控他杀死了她。 Ryan Wellings, a 30-year-old landscaper, is on trial for the manslaughter of his partner, Kiena Dawes, who left a suicide note accusing him of her death before taking her own life in July 2022. Wellings否认关于攻击和胁迫行为的指控,声称他从未故意伤害Dawes, 任何伤害都是他在攻击Dawes期间“重新训练”她所致。 Wellings denies charges of assault and coercive behavior, claiming he never intentionally hurt Dawes and that any injuries were a result of him "restraining" her during her attacks on him. 检察官出示了受伤证据以及Dawes指控他虐待的文本交换。 Prosecutors presented evidence of injuries and text exchanges where Dawes accused him of abuse. 普雷斯顿刑事法院的审判正在进行中。 The trial is ongoing at Preston Crown Court.