谋杀审判指控Philip Polkinghorne杀害他的妻子Pauline Hanna, 并将其作为自杀。 Murder trial accuses Philip Polkinghorne of killing his wife, Pauline Hanna, and staging it as suicide.
在Philip Polkinghorne谋杀案的审判中,检察官声称他杀害了他的妻子Pauline Hanna, 并把它说成是自杀。 In the murder trial of Philip Polkinghorne, prosecutors assert he killed his wife, Pauline Hanna, and staged it as a suicide. 皇家检察官Alysha McClintock强调了先前的家庭暴力,包括一次扼杀企图,以及波金霍恩与汉娜的麻烦关系。 Crown prosecutor Alysha McClintock highlighted prior domestic violence, including a strangulation attempt, and Polkinghorne's troubled relationship with Hanna. 提供的证据包括波克霍恩进行的可疑在线搜索。 Evidence presented includes a suspicious online search by Polkinghorne. 辩方辩称汉娜的心理健康 导致了她的死亡 The defense argues Hanna's mental health contributed to her death. 陪审团很快会考虑的 The jury will soon deliberate.