印度最清洁的城市看到PP10污染上升, 破坏了国家清洁空气目标。 India's cleanest cities see PM10 pollution rise, undermining national clean air goals.
印度最清洁的城市, 包括Indore, 自2017年以来, PM10污染增加21%, India's cleanest cities, including Indore, have seen a 21% rise in PM10 pollution since 2017, while others like Bengaluru reduced levels by 24%. 国家清洁空气方案的目标是到2025年将PM10污染物削减40%,但面临挑战,130个城市中只有18个符合标准。 The National Clean Air Programme aims to cut PM10 pollutants by 40% by 2025 but faces challenges, with only 18 of 130 cities meeting standards. 专家们警告说,尽管在清洁和卫生方面有所改善,但PM2.5的水平更有害,需要更密切的监测。 Experts warn that PM2.5 levels, more harmful, need closer monitoring despite improvements in cleanliness and sanitation.