2023年世界空气质量报告:10个国家达到世界卫生组织空气质量标准,全球9%的城市空气质量健康。 2023 World Air Quality Report: 10 countries met WHO air quality standards, with 9% of global cities having healthy air quality.
2023年世界空气质量报告显示,只有10个国家达到世界卫生组织空气质量标准,全球9%的城市空气质量健康。 2023 World Air Quality Report reveals that only 10 countries met WHO air quality standards, with 9% of global cities having healthy air quality. 澳大利亚、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、格林纳达、冰岛、毛里求斯和新西兰等7个国家达到了年度PM2.5指标。 Seven countries, including Australia, Estonia, Finland, Grenada, Iceland, Mauritius, and New Zealand, met the annual PM2.5 guideline. 按人口加权计算,2023 年空气污染最严重的国家是孟加拉国、巴基斯坦、印度、塔吉克斯坦和布基纳法索。 The countries with the most polluted air in 2023, weighted by population, were Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Tajikistan, and Burkina Faso.