马萨诸塞州马尔布尔赫德的一名慢跑者被一只小狼咬伤. A jogger was bitten by a coyote in Marblehead, Massachusetts, in an isolated incident.
周一晚上,一名慢跑者在马萨诸塞州马布尔黑德被一只土狼咬伤。 A jogger was bitten by a coyote in Marblehead, Massachusetts on Monday evening. Jogger的伤没有危及生命,警察怀疑这次袭击可能是孤立事件,可能是因为Jogger吓到了野狼。 The jogger's injuries were not life-threatening and police suspect the attack may have been an isolated incident, possibly due to the coyote being startled by the jogger. 当局要求居民报告 任何土狼目击事件 以确定被咬动物是否狂犬病发作 Authorities are asking residents to report any coyote sightings to determine if the biting animal was rabid. 当地警察、动物管制和环境警察正在对该地区进行监测。 Local police, animal control, and Environmental Police are monitoring the area.