Andre Davis被指控在多伦多一名受害者报案后犯有人口贩运及相关罪行。 Andre Davis charged with human trafficking and related offenses after a victim's report in Toronto.
Andre Davis, 31岁多伦多男子, 被控多项罪行, 包括贩运人口, Andre Davis, a 31-year-old Toronto man, has been charged with multiple offenses, including human trafficking, after a victim reported being recruited and exploited in the sex trade for financial gain. Davis面临诸如贩运、广告宣传性服务、殴打和强迫监禁等指控。 Davis faces charges like trafficking, advertising sexual services, assault, and forcible confinement. 当局相信可能有更多受害者, Authorities believe there may be more victims and are urging anyone with information to come forward.