27 岁的 West Grey 居民被指控在布罗克顿地区贩卖人口和袭击。 27-year-old West Grey resident charged with human trafficking and assault in Brockton area.
27 岁的 West Grey 居民在布罗克顿地区调查中被指控犯有人口贩运和相关罪行;被告面临六项罪名,包括袭击、袭击造成身体伤害、人口贩运和人口贩运造成的物质利益。 27-year-old West Grey resident charged with human trafficking and related offenses in Brockton area investigation; accused faces six counts of assault, assault causing bodily harm, human trafficking, and material benefit resulting from human trafficking. 当局隐瞒嫌疑人的姓名以保护受害者的身份;计划稍后在沃克顿的安大略省法院出庭。 Authorities withholding suspect's name to protect victim's identity; scheduled to appear in Ontario Court of Justice in Walkerton at a later date. 受害者服务 Grey Bruce Perth可以提供支助。 Victim Services Grey Bruce Perth available for support.