男子在阿尔伯塔省因人口贩运和性侵犯而被捕,这是价值 1800 亿美元的全球产业的一部分。 Man arrested in Alberta for human trafficking and sexual assault, part of a $180 billion global industry.
一名来自艾伯塔省Cochrane的47岁男子被逮捕并被指控犯有贩运人口罪和相关罪行,可追溯到2004年。 A 47-year-old man from Cochrane, Alberta, has been arrested and charged with human trafficking and related offenses dating back to 2004. 2月份开始调查时,一名妇女报告说在网上被她在网上遇到的男子贩卖,该男子张贴了她的裸体照片,安排了性服务,从客户那里收集钱财。 The investigation began in February after a woman reported being trafficked online by the man she met online, who posted nude photos of her and arranged sexual services, collecting money from clients. 被告Darren Routhier面临性侵犯、非法监禁和勒索等指控。 The accused, Darren Routhier, faces charges including sexual assault, unlawful confinement, and extortion. 该案突出表明,人口贩运是全球1 800亿美元的产业,受害者往往从年轻时起贩运,通常大约13岁左右。 The case highlights human trafficking as a $180 billion global industry, with victims often trafficked from a young age, typically around 13.