美国制裁了两个与伊朗和俄罗斯有关的实体,理由是他们涉嫌提供人工智能驱动的选举虚假信息。 US sanctions two entities linked to Iran and Russia for alleged AI-driven election disinformation.
美国已对两个与伊朗和俄罗斯有关联的实体实施制裁,因为他们在 2024 年美国大选前传播虚假信息。 The US has imposed sanctions on two entities linked to Iran and Russia for spreading disinformation ahead of the 2024 US elections. 总部位于莫斯科的地缘政治专家中心(Center for Geopolitical Expertise)和伊朗的认知设计生产中心(Cognitive Design Production Center)被指控使用人工智能制作假新闻和视频,以操纵选民并破坏选举的公正性。 The Moscow-based Center for Geopolitical Expertise and Iran's Cognitive Design Production Center are accused of using AI to create fake news and videos to manipulate voters and undermine election integrity. 俄罗斯和伊朗否认了这些指控,但美国旨在保护民主进程免受外国干预。 Russia and Iran deny the allegations, but the US aims to protect democratic processes from foreign interference.