美国制裁伊朗和俄罗斯团体, 指控他们通过假新闻干扰2024年选举。 USA sanctions Iranian and Russian groups for alleged 2024 election interference via fake news.
美国对伊朗革命卫队和一个与俄罗斯军事情报有关的集团实行制裁,指控他们散布虚假信息,制造社会政治分裂,干扰2024年的美国选举。 The U.S. has imposed sanctions on Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps and a Russian military intelligence-linked group for allegedly interfering in the 2024 U.S. election by spreading false information and creating socio-political divisions. 伊朗的认知设计生产中心和俄罗斯的地缘政治专家中心被指控散布假消息, Iran's Cognitive Design Production Center and Russia's Center for Geopolitical Expertise are accused of spreading fake news and using AI to create deepfakes and fake news websites. 俄罗斯否认这些指控,而伊朗没有发表评论。 Russia denies the allegations, while Iran has not commented. 美国财政部还警告说,俄罗斯、伊朗和中国利用大赦国际进行选举干预的威胁日益增加。 The U.S. Treasury also warned of increasing threats from Russia, Iran, and China using AI for election interference.