美国情报报道称俄罗斯使用人工智能影响2024年大选, 支持特朗普, 破坏哈里斯. U.S. intelligence reports Russia uses AI to influence 2024 election, supporting Trump and undermining Harris.
美国情报官员报告说,俄罗斯是主要的外国行为者,产生由AI驱动的内容,影响2024年的总统选举,主要是为了支持共和党候选人唐纳德·特朗普和破坏民主党卡马拉·哈里斯。 U.S. intelligence officials report that Russia is the leading foreign actor generating AI-driven content to influence the 2024 presidential election, primarily to support Republican candidate Donald Trump and undermine Democrat Kamala Harris. 俄罗斯的努力包括制造两极化的图像、视频和文本。 Russia's efforts include creating polarizing images, videos, and texts. 伊朗还利用人工智能来获取错误信息,以英语和西班牙语针对关键问题。 Iran is also using AI for misinformation, targeting key issues in both English and Spanish. 官员们指出,人工智能增强了这些影响力, 但并没有彻底改变这些影响力. The officials note AI enhances but does not revolutionize these influence operations.