伊朗驻俄罗斯学术和大使批评美国利用制裁压制异见并维持全球主导地位。 Iranian academic and ambassador to Russia criticize U.S. for using sanctions to suppress dissent and maintain global dominance.
伊朗一位学者和伊朗驻俄罗斯大使批评美国越来越多地利用制裁作为压制异议和转移对国内问题的注意力的手段。 An Iranian academic and the country's ambassador to Russia have criticized the U.S. for increasingly using sanctions as a means to suppress dissent and distract from its domestic issues. 他们认为,尽管超级大国地位不断下降,但美国试图维持一种全球支配地位的幻想。 They argue that the U.S. is trying to maintain an illusion of global dominance despite its declining superpower status. 大使指责美国对反对美国利益的媒体和国家进行心理战,特别是在即将举行的2024年选举的背景下。 The ambassador accused the U.S. of employing psychological warfare against media and nations that oppose its interests, particularly in the context of the upcoming 2024 election.