在布朗克斯地铁站被刺伤的MTA工人;被描述为一个留胡子的黑人男子的嫌疑人逃跑。 MTA worker stabbed at Bronx subway station; suspect, described as a bearded Black man, fled.
一名 MTA 员工在布朗克斯区 Pelham Parkway 地铁站的早晨争吵中被刺伤腋窝。 An MTA employee was stabbed in the armpit during a morning altercation at the Pelham Parkway subway station in the Bronx. 6时10分事件后,47岁的受害人被送往Jacobi医院,病情稳定。 The 47-year-old victim was taken to Jacobi Hospital in stable condition after the 6:10 a.m. incident. 嫌犯被描述为黑人,50岁或60岁,留胡子,身穿黑衣,逃离现场,仍然在逃。 The suspect, described as a Black man in his 50s or 60s with a beard, wearing all black, fled the scene and remains at large. 这起事件是在纽约市最近发生地铁暴力后发生的。 This incident follows recent subway violence in New York City.