密西西比州青少年在波旁街袭击中丧生;社区震惊和哀悼。 Mississippi teen killed in Bourbon Street attack; community shocked and mourns.
一名密西西比州少年在新奥尔良波旁街的袭击中丧生。 A Mississippi teenager was killed in an attack on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. 社区记得她是一位甜美而受人爱戴的年轻女性。 The community remembers her as a sweet and beloved young woman. 袭击的细节仍在浮出水面,但该事件震惊了当地社区,并凸显了波旁街的安全问题。 Details of the attack are still emerging, but the incident has shocked the local community and highlighted safety concerns on Bourbon Street.