新年初,纽约北部发生小地震2.4级地震,未报告任何损坏。 A minor 2.4 magnitude earthquake shook Northern New York early New Year's Day, with no reported damage.
在新年节清晨1点前, 纽约北部靠近加拿大边境, 发生轻微的2.4级地震。 A minor 2.4 magnitude earthquake shook Northern New York near the Canadian border just before 1 a.m. on New Year's Day. 中心在科文顿堡附近, 富兰克林郡的居民报告说感到震动。 The epicenter was near Fort Covington, and residents in Franklin County reported feeling the shaking. 尽管有扰动,但没有报告任何损害,因为地震通常只造成第4级或第5级以上的损害。 Despite the disturbance, no damage was reported as earthquakes typically cause damage only above magnitude 4 or 5.