消防员在今天上午8点前在Sufffolk扑灭了垃圾填埋场的火灾;原因正在调查中。 Firefighters extinguished a landfill fire in Suffolk by 8 a.m. today; cause under investigation.
消防人员于星期四清晨在Sufffolk的垃圾填埋场对火灾作出反应。 Fire crews responded to a fire at Suffolk's landfill early Thursday morning. 这起大火覆盖了垃圾填埋场顶部的一英亩土地,据报于上午5时10分左右发生,并于上午8时受到控制,原因是努力将水通向偏远场地。 The fire, covering about an acre at the top of the landfill, was reported around 5:10 a.m. and brought under control by 8 a.m. due to efforts in shuttling water to the remote site. 没有建筑受到威胁,也没有报告有人受伤。 No structures were threatened, and no injuries were reported. 该地区的烟雾可能仍然可见。 Smoke may still be visible in the area. 发生火灾的原因不明,正在调查之中。 The cause of the fire is unknown and under investigation.