喀拉拉高等法院下令对被俘大象进行调查,以确保适当照料和核实所有权。 Kerala High Court orders survey of captive elephants to ensure proper care and verify ownership.
印度的高院已下令该州组建一支小组, 进行对受困大象的全面调查, The Kerala High Court has ordered the state to form a team to conduct a comprehensive survey of captive elephants, aiming to ensure their proper care and accountability. 该小组由首席野生生物干事领导,将核实大象的数目、所有权状况和所有权文件的有效性。 Led by the Chief Wildlife Officer, the team will verify the number of elephants, ownership status, and the validity of ownership documents. 这项指令是在对被俘大象的福利和许多大象缺乏适当所有权证书表示关切之后发出的。 This directive follows concerns over the welfare of captive elephants and the lack of proper ownership certificates for many of them. 法院预计到2025年1月9日收到一份综合报告。 The court expects a consolidated report by January 9, 2025.