中国广阳岛生态修复增加了生物多样性,森林覆盖率达到90%。 China's Guangyang Isle ecological restoration leads to increased biodiversity and 90% forest coverage.
位于重庆长江上游的中国广阳岛在生态修复举措后蓬勃发展。 China's Guangyang Isle, in Chongqing's upper Yangtze River reaches, has thrived after an ecological restoration initiative. 岛上的生物多样性曾一度受到房地产开发的威胁,但如今却有所增加,目前栖息着 627 种植物和 460 种动物。 Once threatened by real estate development, the island's biodiversity has increased, with 627 plant and 460 animal species now living there. 通过综合恢复工程,森林覆盖率已超过90%。 The forest coverage rate has exceeded 90% thanks to comprehensive restoration projects. 该倡议被认为是联合国生态系统恢复十年的良好实践之一。 The initiative has been recognized as one of the good practices for the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration.