中国的Zoige湿地自1990年代以来恢复活力,指定了一个环境保护和旅游国家公园。 China's Zoige Wetland, revitalized since 1990s, designated a national park for environmental protection and tourism.
中国四川省Zoige Wetland在经历了1970年代过度放牧和气候变化之后,自1990年代以来经历了重大的振兴。 The Zoige Wetland in Sichuan Province, China, has seen significant revitalization since the 1990s after suffering from overgrazing and climate change in the 1970s. 政府的努力,包括限制牲畜和建造水坝的努力,恢复了生态系统,改善了草质,增加了当地牧民的收入。 Government efforts, including limiting livestock and constructing dams, have restored the ecosystem, improved grass quality, and increased local herders' incomes. 2022年,它被指定为国家公园,加强养护努力和吸引旅游业,显示经济增长和环境保护之间的平衡。 In 2022, it was designated a national park, enhancing conservation efforts and attracting tourism, showcasing a balance between economic growth and environmental protection.