加拿大枪支管制集团批评政府未按承诺对火器进行实物检查。 Canadian gun-control group criticizes government for not physically inspecting firearms as promised.
一个加拿大枪支管制集团PolySeuvient指控自由党政府未履行在进入市场前彻底检查枪支的承诺。 A Canadian gun-control group, PolySeSouvient, accuses the Liberal government of failing to fulfill its promise to thoroughly scrutinize firearms before they enter the market. 政府拟议的条例要求企业在进口或制造火器之前向联邦火器登记官提供技术数据,但专家组认为这没有达到所承诺的强制性实物检查。 The government's proposed regulations require businesses to provide technical data to the federal firearms registrar before importing or manufacturing firearms, but the group argues this falls short of the promised mandatory physical inspections. 与此同时,加拿大将于2025年接管七国集团主席一职。 Meanwhile, Canada is set to take over the G7 presidency in 2025.