加拿大边境服务局缴获枪支、消音器和大容量弹匣,并在魁北克省加蒂诺逮捕了一名男子。 CBSA seizes firearms, silencers, and high-capacity magazines, arrests man in Gatineau, Quebec.
加拿大边境服务局 (CBSA) 在魁北克省加蒂诺的一次突袭中查获了大量枪支和违禁武器。 Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) seizes a massive cache of firearms and prohibited weapons during a raid in Gatineau, Quebec. 没收的物品包括 12 件违禁装置,包括 6 个消音器和 6 个大容量弹匣,以及装运文件和消音器包装。 Among the confiscated items were 12 prohibited devices, including six silencers and six high-capacity magazines, along with shipping documents and packaging for silencers. 一名62岁男子被捕,调查完成后将向加拿大检察院提出指控。 A 62-year-old man was arrested, and charges will be recommended to the Public Prosecution Service of Canada upon the completion of the investigation.