澳大利亚吊销与阿富汗战争罪行有关的军事领导人的奖牌。 Australia revokes medals from military leaders linked to war crimes in Afghanistan.
澳大利亚国防部长理查德·马勒斯宣布取消与阿富汗战争罪有关的不到10名军事领导人的奖牌,此前有可信证据表明,2005年至2016年期间,特种部队杀害了39名平民和囚犯。 Australia's Defence Minister Richard Marles announced the revocation of medals from fewer than 10 military leaders connected to war crimes in Afghanistan, following credible evidence of 39 murders of civilians and prisoners by special forces between 2005 and 2016. 这是政府对布雷顿报告的答复的一部分,该报告处理了143项建议中的139项。 This is part of the government's response to the Brereton report, which addressed 139 of its 143 recommendations. 此外还为受影响的阿富汗家庭制定了补偿计划,同时刑事调查仍在继续。 A compensation scheme for affected Afghan families has also been established, while criminal investigations continue.