2025年,英国酒吧业主面临成本上升,但牛津的酒吧场景表现出性,两年内没有关闭. In 2025, UK pub owners face rising costs, but Oxford's pub scene shows resilience with no closures in two years.
CAMRA牛津分行的Dave Richardson对英国80%的酒吧成本不断攀升无利可图表示乐观。 Despite national concerns about rising costs pushing up to 80% of UK pubs into unprofitability, Dave Richardson from CAMRA's Oxford branch is optimistic. 他注意到在过去两年里牛津没有永久性关闭酒吧,并强调对几个地方酒吧的投资。 He notes no permanent pub closures in Oxford over the past two years and highlights investments in several local pubs. Richardson承认国家保险的应付款和工资增加等挑战,但对于该市的酒吧场景仍然充满希望。 Richardson acknowledges challenges like increased National Insurance dues and wages but remains hopeful for the city's pub scene.