由于需求量大,10 人爵士乐队“芝加哥”音乐剧在安大略省萨德伯里的 YES 剧院扩建。 10-piece jazz band 'Chicago' musical extended at YES Theatre in Sudbury, ON, due to high demand.
由于人们的需求和社区支持, 位于安大略省萨德伯里的YES剧院第二次延长了经典音乐剧"芝加哥"的制作期. YES Theatre in Sudbury, Ontario, extended its production of the classic musical 'Chicago' for a second time due to high demand and community support. 该节目以一个10个爵士乐队为主,卖出了7 000多张票,现在将持续到8月17日。 The show, featuring a live 10-piece jazz band, has sold over 7,000 tickets and will now run until August 17. 通过延长成功的演出, YES剧院旨在将萨德伯里建立为艺术家的全年目的地. YES Theatre aims to establish Sudbury as a year-round destination for artists by extending the run of successful shows.