在俄亥俄州向IHOP射击使一人处于危急状态,嫌疑人逃跑。 Shooting at IHOP in Ohio leaves one person in critical condition; suspect fled.
在俄亥俄州Colerain镇的IHOP发生枪击事件,星期三清晨3点左右,在停车场发生争吵之后。 A shooting occurred at an IHOP in Colerain Township, Ohio, early Wednesday morning around 3 a.m., following a fight in the parking lot. 在餐厅内发现一人伤势严重,被送往UC医疗中心。 One person was found inside the restaurant in serious condition and was taken to UC Medical Center. 据报告,嫌疑人逃离了现场,警方没有透露有关车辆或嫌疑人的任何细节。 The suspect reportedly fled the scene, and no details about the vehicle or suspect have been released by the police.