圣诞节早上在佛罗里达的IHOP外面开枪,造成两人死亡,一人受伤。 Christmas morning shooting outside IHOP in Florida leaves two dead, one injured.
圣诞节早晨,在佛罗里达州米拉马尔的IHOP外,大约凌晨1时30分,发生了一起枪击事件。 两名妇女被打死,一名男子受伤。 On Christmas morning, a shooting occurred outside an IHOP in Miramar, Florida, around 1:30 a.m. Two women were killed, and one man was injured. 受害人是彼此认识的,据信枪击是针对目标。 The victims were known to each other, and the shooting is believed to be targeted. 警察正在调查现场,但目前没有寻找任何嫌犯。 Police are investigating the scene but are not seeking any suspects at this time. 受伤男子在纪念区医院值守。 The injured man is under guard at Memorial Regional Hospital.