在拉斯维加斯麦当劳被枪杀的人 警方调查与两名嫌疑人的争吵 Man shot dead in McDonald's in Las Vegas; police investigating altercation with two suspects.
星期一下午4点45分 一名男子在拉斯维加斯天堂路附近的麦当劳 遭到致命枪击 A man was fatally shot inside a McDonald's near Paradise Road in Las Vegas around 4:45 PM on Monday. 该事件涉及受害人与逃离现场的两名嫌疑人之间的争吵。 The incident involved an altercation between the victim and two suspects who fled the scene. 警察不认为枪击是随机的,并排除了抢劫动机。 The police do not consider the shooting random and are ruling out robbery motives. 在继续调查期间 麦当劳仍然关闭。 The McDonald's remains closed while the investigation continues. 警方正在向公众寻求证人和信息。 Police are seeking witnesses and information from the public.