联邦气候变化税收基金可能通过与主要石油和天然气公司相关的碳捕获项目间接支持路易斯安那州的化石燃料生产。 Federal climate change tax funds may indirectly support Louisiana's fossil fuel production through carbon capture projects linked to major oil and gas firms.
用于应对气候变化的联邦税收资金可能会通过与主要石油和天然气公司相关并根据新的联邦法规获得补贴的碳捕获项目间接促进路易斯安那州的化石燃料生产。 Federal tax dollars meant to combat climate change may indirectly boost Louisiana's fossil fuel production via carbon capture projects, linked to major oil and gas firms and subsidized under new federal rules. 捕获的二氧化碳越多,获得的联邦资助项目就越多。 The more CO2 captured, the more federal funding projects receive. 由于路易斯安那州在碳储存方面拥有首要监管地位,因此有可能批准大量此类项目,从而可能损害环境效益,这引起了人们的担忧。 Concerns arise as Louisiana, with regulatory primacy in carbon storage, has potential to authorize numerous such projects, potentially undermining environmental benefits.