数十万人勇敢地度过了伦敦新年游行的天气,展示了全球表演者。 Hundreds of thousands braved the weather for London's New Year's Day Parade, showcasing global performers.
尽管有大雨和强风,数十万人聚集在伦敦参加新年节游行,有来自世界各地的10 000多名表演者参加。 Despite heavy rain and strong winds, hundreds of thousands gathered in London for the New Year's Day Parade, featuring over 10,000 performers from around the world. 由于天气原因,该活动推迟了 30 分钟,包括铜管乐队、风笛手、DJ、啦啦队和演奏“黄色潜水艇”的吉他乐队。 The event, delayed 30 minutes due to weather, included brass bands, bagpipers, DJs, a cheerleading team, and a guitar band playing "Yellow Submarine." 游行组织者Dan Kirkby称它为最佳之一, 凸显了伦敦的文化多样性与精神。 Parade organizer Dan Kirkby called it one of the best, highlighting London's cultural diversity and spirit.