美国国防部为格鲁吉亚拨款220万美元,以减少野生生物与车辆的碰撞,这是350万美元国家举措的一部分。 The U.S.DOT allocates $2.2M to Georgia to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions, part of a $350M national initiative.
美国交通部向格鲁吉亚颁发了近220万美元,用于防止野生生物-车辆碰撞,这是根据《两党基础设施法》提出的范围更广的3.5亿美元倡议的一部分。 The U.S. Department of Transportation awarded nearly $2.2 million to Georgia to prevent wildlife-vehicle collisions, part of a broader $350 million initiative under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. 这笔资金有助于建立野生动物通道和教育材料,旨在减少每年造成约200人死亡和26 000人受伤的100多万次碰撞。 This funding helps create wildlife passageways and educational materials, aiming to reduce over one million annual collisions that cause about 200 human deaths and 26,000 injuries. 赠款还支持其他15个州的类似项目。 Grants are also supporting similar projects in 15 other states.