FRA拨款11亿多美元,用于改善全国1 000多个等级过境点的铁路安全。 FRA allocates over $1.1 billion to improve rail safety at over 1,000 grade crossings nationwide.
联邦铁路管理局(FRA)为全美铁路项目发放了超过11亿美元的赠款,目的是改善或研究超过1000个等级的过境点,以加强安全。 The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has awarded over $1.1 billion in grants for rail projects across the US, aiming to improve or study over 1,000 grade crossings to enhance safety. 这一投资包括1 530万美元用于爱荷华州的项目,950万美元用于肯塔基州的项目,重点是建造过道、地下通道和安全升级。 This investment includes $15.3 million for projects in Iowa and $9.5 million for Kentucky, focusing on building overpasses, underpasses, and safety upgrades. 目标是减少事故,这是造成铁路相关死亡的第二大原因,每年有2 000多起事故和200人死亡。 The goal is to reduce accidents, which are the second-leading cause of rail-related deaths, with over 2,000 incidents and 200 fatalities annually.