美国拨款1.25亿美元,用于野生动物过境,重点是保护北卡罗来纳州濒危红狼。 The U.S. allocates $125M for wildlife crossings, focusing on protecting endangered red wolves in North Carolina.
美国交通部已拨款1.25亿美元用于建设野生动物过境点, The US Department of Transportation has awarded grants totaling $125 million to build wildlife crossings, including a project in North Carolina aimed at protecting the last 20 wild red wolves. 该项目将重建64美国的一段带栅栏和地下通道的区段,以减少野生动植物与车辆的碰撞,这种碰撞已成为对濒危物种的重大威胁。 The project will reconstruct a section of US 64 with fencing and underpasses to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions, which have become a significant threat to the endangered species. 美国各地的类似过境点成功地减少了涉及大型动物的事故,为人类和野生生物的安全带来了希望。 Similar crossings across the U.S. have successfully reduced accidents involving large animals, offering hope for human and wildlife safety.