由于人口增加,明尼苏达州的猫头鹰面临更高的车辆碰撞,促使一个康复中心寻求援助。 Owls in Minnesota face higher vehicle collisions due to an increase in population, prompting a rehab center to seek aid.
明尼苏达州的猫头鹰今年经历了车辆碰撞的激增,这归因于“暴怒年”,猫头鹰的繁殖率异常高,导致更多的猫头鹰种群在该地区进一步扩散。 Owls in Minnesota are experiencing a surge in vehicle collisions this year, attributed to an "irruption year," where owl reproduction rates are unusually high, leading to a larger owl population spreading further in the region. 青少年猫头鹰往往被吸引到通往食物的公路上,但是他们的边缘视力差使他们难以发现车辆。 Juvenile owls are often drawn to roadways for food, but their poor peripheral vision makes it hard for them to spot oncoming vehicles. 野生动物康复中心 Wildwoods 已经看到大量受伤的猫头鹰涌入,并正在寻求捐款来支付它们的护理费用。 Wildwoods, a wildlife rehabilitation center, has seen an influx of injured owls and is seeking donations to cover their care. 中心敦促司机谨慎行事,在道路周围放慢速度。 The center urges drivers to be cautious and slow down around roads.