两名男子企图闯入Eagleby的一家烟草业者并纵火,造成轻微破坏。 Two men attempted to break into and set fire to a tobacconist in Eagleby, causing minor damage.
周二清晨3: 30左右, 纵火者袭击了鹰比的第二名烟草业者。 A second tobacconist in Eagleby was targeted by arsonists early Tuesday morning around 3:30 am. 两名身穿黑衣的人试图闯入希尔斯河路的商店,但没有成功。 Two men in dark clothing tried to break into the store on River Hills Road but failed. 然后,他们放火焚烧前面的物品,公众和消防人员迅速扑灭了这些物品,造成轻微损坏。 They then set fire to items at the front, which was quickly put out by the public and fire crews, causing minor damage. 这次袭击是继过去两周内该地区另一个烟草业者发生类似事件之后发生的。 This attack follows a similar incident at another tobacconist in the area within the past two weeks.