两个男人在芝加哥的恩格莱伍德 在周日晚上的入室盗窃未遂后 点燃了一场商业大火 Two men set a business ablaze in Englewood, Chicago, after a failed burglary attempt Sunday night.
星期天晚上,两名男子企图在芝加哥Englewood抢劫一家企业,在晚上11时50分左右使用螺栓切割器进入大楼。 Two men attempted to burglarize a business in Englewood, Chicago, on Sunday night, using bolt cutters to enter the premises around 11:50 p.m. 他们未能闯入保险柜,随后用加速剂放火烧了大楼。 They failed to break into a safe and subsequently set the building on fire with an accelerant. 没有报告有人受伤,芝加哥警察局纵火股正在调查这一事件,至今没有逮捕任何人。 No injuries were reported, and the Chicago Police Department's arson unit is investigating the incident with no arrests made yet.