22岁和21岁男子因在塞浦路斯Trooditissa国家森林附近起火而被捕。 22 and 21-year-old men arrested for starting a fire near Trooditissa State Forest in Cyprus.
22和21岁的男子因在塞浦路斯Trooditissa国家森林附近起火而被捕。 22 and 21-year-old men were arrested for starting a fire near Trooditissa State Forest in Cyprus. 嫌犯在一片含有野生植物的峡谷里用木柴点燃了一小片火,但在发现后将其扑灭。 The suspects lit a small fire with wood in a ravine containing wild vegetation, but extinguished it after being spotted. 他们声称,在燃气器失灵时,他们用火点燃了烧焦木炭。 They claimed they used the fire to ignite hookah charcoal when their gas burner failed. 现场由警察看守,嫌疑人将受到进一步调查。 The scene is under police guard, and the suspects face further investigation.