泰士广场的球在新年庆祝活动前通过了最后的测试. Times Square ball passes final test ahead of New Year's Eve celebrations.
自1907年以来的除夕新年传统 " 时代广场球 " 经受了最后的考验,以确保它在即将到来的庆祝活动期间正常运作。 The Times Square ball, a New Year's Eve tradition since 1907, underwent its final test to ensure it functions properly during the upcoming celebrations. 这次测试由时报广场联盟与纽约市一道进行,检查任何问题,以保证参加考试的数百万人有安全、愉快的经历。 The test, conducted by the Times Square Alliance alongside the city of New York, checks for any issues to guarantee a safe and enjoyable experience for the millions who attend. 这种仔细的维护确保了球 准备迎接新的一年。 This meticulous maintenance ensures the ball is ready to mark the new year.