青少年因闯入被捕,威胁一名妇女,在Tamworth偷窃一辆汽车。 Teens arrested for break-ins, threatening a woman, and stealing a car in Tamworth.
15岁和16岁的青少年因多次闯入Tamworth被捕,最近的一起事件发生在12月30日,涉及威胁一名45岁妇女并偷车。 Teenagers aged 15 and 16 have been arrested for multiple break-ins in Tamworth, with their most recent incident on December 30 involving threatening a 45-year-old woman and stealing a car. 警方执行搜查令,逮捕嫌疑人并扣押与犯罪有关的物品。 Police executed a search warrant, arresting the suspects and seizing items linked to the crimes. 青少年被控严重破门而入、跟踪和偷车,但被拒绝保释,将于12月31日到儿童法院出庭。 The teens, charged with aggravated break and enter, stalking, and car theft, were denied bail and will appear in Children's Court on December 31.