澳大利亚新南威尔士州Tamworth被控偷窃7件火器和两辆车的15岁儿童。 15-year-olds charged with stealing seven firearms and two vehicles in Tamworth, NSW, Australia.
在澳大利亚新南威尔士州Tamworth, 三名13岁、14岁和15岁的青少年因从家中偷盗七件火器和两辆车而被起诉。 Three teenagers, ages 13, 14, and 15, were charged in Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia, for stealing seven firearms and two vehicles from a home. 据称的闯入事件发生在9月25日,促使警方采取行动。 The alleged break-in occurred on September 25, prompting police action. 搜查令导致追回被盗物品和补充证据。 A search warrant led to the recovery of the stolen items and additional evidence. 青少年面临多项指控,包括严重的越狱和持枪罪,而最年幼者则被控违反保释。 The younger teens face multiple charges, including aggravated break-and-enter and firearm possession, while the oldest is charged with breach of bail.