两名青少年在Invercargill被警方抓获之前,偷了一辆汽车并企图入室盗窃。 Two teens stolen a car and attempted burglaries before being caught by police in Invercargill.
在Invercargill,两名青少年在偷窃马兹达和企图在珠宝商、服务站和奶制品入室盗窃后被捕,他们在那里拿走了乳酪、现金和糖果。 Two teenagers were arrested in Invercargill after stealing a Mazda and attempting burglaries at a jeweler, service station, and a dairy, where they took vapes, cash, and candy. 一支警犬部队发现这辆车并逮捕了嫌疑犯。 A police dog unit found the vehicle and apprehended the suspects. 他们面临多重指控,包括入室盗窃和偷窃。 They face multiple charges including burglary and theft. 警方感谢公众举报可疑活动,这有助于他们迅速抓获。 Police thanked the public for reporting suspicious activity, which aided in their quick capture.