两名15岁的男孩在东坦沃斯因闯入、威胁和偷车而被捕。 Two 15-year-old boys arrested for break-ins, threats, and car theft in East Tamworth.
12月26日,在新南威尔士州东坦沃斯发生一系列盗窃事件后,两名15岁的男孩被捕。 Two 15-year-old boys were arrested after a series of break-ins in East Tamworth, New South Wales, on December 26. 事件期间,一所住宅遭到入侵,一名17岁女孩和一名60岁妇女受到威胁,一辆汽车被盗。 During the incidents, a home was invaded, a 17-year-old girl and a 60-year-old woman were threatened, and a vehicle was stolen. 嫌犯领导警方追逐,最终被抓获。 The suspects led police in a chase that ended with their capture. 两名男孩都被指控犯有多项罪行,包括严重越狱和进入,并被拒绝保释。 Both boys were charged with multiple offenses, including aggravated break and enter, and denied bail. 他们计划于12月27日出庭。 They are scheduled to appear in court on December 27.