研究:联合王国15岁女孩醉得比男孩多,引起对营销和规范的关切。 Study: UK girls aged 15 get drunk more often than boys, raising concerns about marketing and norms.
经合组织的一项研究发现,联合王国15岁的女孩喝醉的频率高于男孩,34%的女孩报告说她们一再喝醉,而男孩的这一比例为23%。 A study by the OECD found that 15-year-old girls in the UK are getting drunk more frequently than boys, with 34% of girls reporting they get repeatedly drunk compared to 23% of boys. 这一趋势在欧洲各国中是最高的,可能与焦虑、对妇女的营销和文化规范有关。 This trend is the highest among European countries and may be linked to anxiety, marketing to women, and cultural norms. 专家们呼吁更好地控制酒精销售,支持一个无酒精的童年。 Experts call for better control of alcohol marketing and support for an alcohol-free childhood.