共和党共和党人布赖恩·马斯特, 特朗普的盟友, 成为众议院外交事务委员会的新主席。 Republican Rep. Brian Mast, a Trump ally, becomes new chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
布赖恩·马斯特(Brian Mast)是保守的共和党和军队退伍军人,被选为众议院外交事务委员会的下任主席。 Rep. Brian Mast, a conservative Republican and military veteran, has been chosen as the next chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. 马斯特因支持以色列和反对美国继续向乌克兰提供援助而闻名,马斯特的选任职位让他领导重要的外交政策问题,包括中东和乌克兰的冲突。 Known for his support of Israel and opposition to continued US aid to Ukraine, Mast's selection positions him to lead on critical foreign policy issues, including conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine. 马斯特的背景和与前总统特朗普政策的一致性预计将影响他处理国际事务的方法。 Mast's background and alignment with former President Trump's policies are expected to influence his approach to international affairs.