来自俄克拉荷马州第四选区的美国众议员汤姆·科尔成为众议院拨款委员会第一位美洲原住民主席。 U.S. Rep. Tom Cole, Oklahoma's Fourth District, becomes the first Native American chair of the House Appropriations Committee.
当地人庆祝美国众议员汤姆·科尔被任命为众议院拨款委员会新主席。 Locals celebrate U.S. Rep. Tom Cole's appointment as the new chair of the House Appropriations Committee. 科尔代表俄克拉荷马州第四区,是第一位担任此职位的美国原住民。 Cole, representing Oklahoma's Fourth District, is the first Native American to hold this position. 众议院共和党会议于4月10日批准了他的新职务。 The House Republican Conference ratified his new role on April 10th. 科尔接替众议员凯·格兰杰 (Kay Granger),后者于今年早些时候辞去了拨款委员会领导职务。 Cole succeeds Rep. Kay Granger, who stepped down from her leadership position in the Appropriations Committee earlier this year.