习近平总统和普京总统互致新年问候,强调紧密的联系与合作。 Presidents Xi and Putin exchanged New Year greetings, stressing strong ties and cooperation.
中国主席习近平和俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京互致新年问候,强调两国的牢固纽带和对不结盟与不对抗的承诺。 Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin exchanged New Year greetings, emphasizing their strong ties and commitment to non-alliance and non-confrontation. 他们强调了2024年外交关系75周年及其在包括能源和文化交流在内的各领域的合作。 They highlighted the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations in 2024 and their cooperation in various fields, including energy and cultural exchanges. 两位领导人承诺就全球问题保持密切沟通与合作,以促进和平与发展。 Both leaders pledged to maintain close communication and cooperation on global issues, aiming to promote peace and development.