在金砖五国峰会上,习近平和普京重申了战略伙伴关系,承诺了反对美国霸权的新合作时代。 At BRICS Summit, Xi and Putin reaffirmed strategic partnership, pledging a new era of cooperation against US hegemony.
在喀山金砖五国首脑会议上,中国主席习近平和俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京重申了他们的战略伙伴关系,认为这是全球动荡中的稳定力量。 At the BRICS Summit in Kazan, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin reaffirmed their strategic partnership, viewing it as a stabilizing force amid global upheaval. 他们承诺一个合作的“新时代”,对抗他们认为是美国的霸权。 They pledged a "new era" of cooperation, countering what they perceive as U.S. hegemony. 两位领导人都强调他们之间的关系对全球稳定的重要性,以及金砖五国平台对新兴市场的重要性。 Both leaders emphasized their relationship's significance for global stability and the importance of the BRICS platform for emerging markets. 它们的合作旨在加强双边贸易和地缘政治协调。 Their collaboration aims to enhance bilateral trade and geopolitical coordination.