Lake Louise的标志性冰城堡由于温暖的天气而崩溃,引发了阿尔伯塔两岸的安全警报。 Lake Louise's iconic ice castle collapsed due to warm weather, prompting safety warnings across Alberta.
Lake Louise的冰城堡以冰冻的隧道和雕塑而闻名,12月27日由于天气温暖而坍塌。 The ice castle at Lake Louise, known for its frozen tunnels and sculptures, collapsed on December 27 due to warm weather. Lake Chateau Lake Louise官员引述了不安全的冰条件和对滑冰场的限制。 Chateau Lake Louise officials cited unsafe ice conditions and restricted access to the skating rink. 尚未就修理或重建吸引力作出任何决定。 No decision has been made on repairing or rebuilding the attraction. 加拿大环境局预测本周气温会更低。 Environment Canada predicts colder temperatures this week. 当局还警告艾伯塔各地的冰危险,建议不要在冰上使用车辆,并建议为进入冰冻湖泊的人提供安全设备。 Authorities also warn about ice dangers across Alberta, advising against using vehicles on ice and recommending safety equipment for those venturing onto frozen lakes.