亚历山德罗·罗梅罗法官判处亚历山德罗·罗梅罗(Alexandre Romero-Aarative to five years),因他在2022年袭击和逃逸中杀害了Eoghan Byrne。 Judge sentences Alexandre Romero-Arata to five years for killing Eoghan Byrne in 2022 hit-and-run.
一名温哥华法官判处Alexandre Romero-Arata五年有期徒刑, 罪名是杀害爱尔兰科技工作者Eoghan Byrne, A Vancouver judge sentenced Alexandre Romero-Arata to five years in prison for killing Irish tech worker Eoghan Byrne in a 2022 hit-and-run incident while impaired. 法官将罗梅罗-阿拉塔的行动描述为对生命的“冷酷和傲慢的漠视”, The judge described Romero-Arata's actions as showing "callous and arrogant disregard" for life, exceeding the sentence proposed by both the prosecution and defense. Byrne的家人在法庭上作了陈述,强调了悲剧的影响。 Byrne's family delivered statements in court, highlighting the impact of the tragedy.